Domino Community

Blogosphere news and ILUG '08 Info

Happy New Year everyone, just thought I should mention a great new site in case you weren’t already aware of it. Planet Lotus is an aggregator of the top 200 or so Domino blogs out there on the internet, so if you’re looking for a good place to start reading Domino blogs, then you now know where to go.

In other news, Paul has posted explaining about the clash between the ILUG and DNUG meetings in June this year. Stay tuned for ILUG news over the next few weeks, it’s going to be a very exciting few weeks. 🙂

Domino Meetup Postponed

We had planned to do a pre-Christmas meetup in London, well unfortunately life and the Christmas party season has taken over so I think we’ll postpone until January. Sorry about that everyone.

Good news for the UK

If you’re at all involved in the Lotus community in the UK and Ireland then you’ll have heard of and probably met Warren Elsmore and Paul Mooney. They are both administrators extraordinaire and, until the last week were directors for different companies. Well now they have announced that their companies are merging.

This is great news if you need any sort of consulting help. They both *really* know their stuff.

So congratulations to them both and all the other people involved. It will be interesting to see how much more (or less) Warren is going to insult Paul in our ILUG Skype chat now that Paul is his boss 😉

London Domino Meetup

Well it’s been a while since our last meetup in London, so at the behest of Mr Buchan it’s about time we organised another one. So, for the moment keep the evening of Thursday 20th December free. We’ll work out a venue over the next couple of weeks.

London Domino Meetup

Don’t forget that this Thursday a whole group of us are meeting on New Oxford Street from about 7pm. The details are here. If you’d like to come along, even if you don’t know any of us just turn up and say “Hi”, we promise to be polite as long as you get a beer! (Only kidding). If you have any questions then feel free to drop me a line.

ideaExchange Beta

One of the things I’ve been working on over the last month or so is helping Bruce with his new idea exchange site. It’s really starting to come together, to the point where Bruce is now looking for Beta testers. So if you feel like you could help us to make this a really useful site for the Lotus community, then please drop Bruce a line to get set up.

A new blogger

Please join me in welcoming (finally) Julian Woodward to the blogging world. I’m sure it will be updated both frequently and regularly Julian 😉