Domino Community

Market Summary

Bill presents an excellent market summary of the options available to Domino shops over the next year or so. If you are in any way to do with Domino (or indeed Exchange) then go read it, absorb it and prepare for a very busy 12 months. 🙂

Useful little tool

This will do the rounds in the Notes community very quickly, but as I know a lot of you couldn’t give a **** for Notes I thought I’d add my tuppence worth as well. This tool runs on Windows and will try and close whatever program you are in when you press the “Esc” key or right double-click on your mouse. These are both Notes shortcuts which are not standard Windows functionality but which, once you have used them, become habit very quickly.

Anyway, download it, give it a go and see what a difference it make to your daily computing life.

We're on the offensive

It’s good to see Domino on the offensive for the first time in ages. Bill has written an article comparing Domino and Exchange from a mail point of view. In my own world I am involved purely in application development where we have just started a new project with Domino as the linchpin of an enterprise scale compliance application. The reason Domino is being used – speed of development because it does so much good stuff out of the box.

This is nothing new to those of us who deal with Domino and other platforms regularly but it has been nice to see the reaction of people who have never seen Notes/Domino for anything other than pure mail. Also entertaining have been the conversations with “experts” whose decisions not to use Domino are based on seeing an application written in 1996. The world has moved on since then guys, Domino has moved on further and faster than some seem to think.