Domino Community

Catch Up

It was great catching up with everyone this evening. From my point of view there was a really eclectic mix of friends going back over ten years. From the Domino community point of view, Warren, Julian, Kerr Rainey, Mike Smith, Ben Poole, Andy Harris, Marke Myers and others were there. All will be attending ILUG and it just makes me look forward to it even more. Only three weeks to go, so if you haven’t registered yet, make sure to get in there quickly.

Now off to bed to nurse the hangover that I am sure is due tomorrow.

Pre ILUG Drinks in London

I thought it would be a good idea to have a pre ILUG drinks night in London during May.

So my totally unilateral decision for night, time and venue are:

The Date: Tuesday 13th May
The Time: 17:30 onwards
The Place: The Old Tea Warehouse

Hope to see you there.

Yellow Bleeders at Logon

If you use a Mac, then you’ll probably use Adium as your chat client. Wonderfully it has a Sametime plugin. Adium is integrated with Growl which gives you a little popup when certain events happen, like someone logging onto a chat server somewhere. So, when I start up my computer these days I have the superb site of the best people in the Domino world appearing on the Bleed Yellow public Sametime server. If you’re not already a member then I highly recommend signing up.
Yellow Bleeders at Logon.jpg

Don't forget London Beers next Tuesday

Don’t forget the Domino metup next Tuesday evening. I’ll bea heading down to the Market Porter from about 6-ish next Tuesday (the 18th) evening. Hope to see you there. If you’re having trouble finding us, my mobile is 07767 384970.

LotusBeer London

Julian and I were chatting and decided that it’s about time for a London Domino beers evening in London. The tentative plan is to meet up somewhere in Zone 1 from about 6:30pm on Tuesday 18th March for beers and… well more beers. If you’re around and have an opinion about where would be a good venue then let us know, otherwise we will take a unilateral decision for us to meet at the Market Porter. 😉 Either way, hope to see you there.

Update: OK, I’m told by a certain Scotsman that the term LotusBeer has prior art in the form of the Aberdeen Lotus Drinking Club. Obviously I am mortally embarassed to have made such a rookie mistake and, as way of recompense, there will be a free beer voucher behind the bar of the southern arm of the Lotus Drinking Club when we meet in March for any of our north of the border brethren to take advantage of. (Restrictions may apply, see pub for details)

Bruce on Mac OS Ken

If you’re involved in Notes and Domino in any way then you’ll know Bruce Elgort, and if you follow the Mac world then one of the most famous podcasts is Mac OS Ken. Well Bruce got a namecheck in today’s episode, and apparently will be interviewed in an upcoming episode about Notes 8.5 on the Mac and the DWA on the iPhone. Congrats Bruce!

JavaDoc for LotusScript

I think I’m a little behind the curve here, but Axel Jansenn mentioned a tool called LS.doc in a comment on IdeaJam today, I hadn’t heard about it before so maybe you haven’t either.

It is basically a Notes database that will go through all LotusScript in a database and generate JavaDoc-like HTML output to describe all of your code. In short it is superb and I will be using it on all of my projects from now on. Good job Mikkel.

Album Cover

Following on from Adam and many others, here is my album cover.

The way it works is that you go to a random page in Wikipedia, the title of the article is your band name. The page I ended up at was Pirates with Attitude. Then you go to the random quotes page, and the last four words of the last quote is your album title. The last quote for me was from Henry Miller: “What does it matter how one comes by the truth so long as one pounces upon it and lives by it?”. And then finally you go to the Flickr interesting page and the third image is your album picture. Then you just put the three together.

It’s really quite surprising how good the results from such randomness can be, give it a go.