
Steve Jobs keynote at MacWorld was as entertaining as ever (although I have to admit I was at the pub for the majority of it) the main announcement seems to have been the Macbook Air which is all very cool but costs an absolute fortune. I will be able to hold back and survive with my meaty Macbook Pro 17″. In other announcements I have been able to “upgrade” from my jailbroken iPod Touch to the newly released and officially supported iPod Touch with mail, maps stocks etc. It costs £12 but in terms of being officially supported I would say it’s a move well worth making. The upgrade even kept all of my old settings for mail which is pretty cool.

The rest of the announcements seem to be pretty minor. As Volker says the Apple TV changes are good for Americans but don’t affect us Europeans and the iPhone updates make no difference to me as I am tied into a contract with a Nokia phone for quite some time yet.

All in all an interesting set of announcements but nothing earth shattering. But then we weren’t expecting much more.
