Upgraded to Leopard

Well I couldn’t hold out any longer so this morning I spent a few hours upgrading my laptop to run OS X 10.5, better know in this incarnation as Leopard.

Upgraded to Leopard

It wasn’t entirely painless but that was more because I decided that rather than do a straight upgrade I’d do a clean install and move software across. I’m running out of disk space so it provided a good opportunity to clear out some rubbish at the same time. I do have some non standard settings though to support my Java development. So in the end it took around four hours but all seems to be up and going again.

It’s also worht mentioning the superb backup software called Super Duper! which gives a great feeling of security. It allows you to take a complete, bootable image of your disk, so even if everything goes wrong I know I can restore my old setup within an hour. Even better than that it’s free for the basic version. If you run a Mac you owe it to yourself to check out (forget all this namby pamby Time Machine rubbish!).

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  1. @1 – That’s cool thanks Simon.@2 – I just run a 17″ MBP, but I took the screenshot with Expose activated so it’s just showing everything I was running at the time.


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