Gone fishing

Well it doesn’t happen very often (it’s over two years since I last took a proper holiday), but I’m off on holidays for the next two weeks. This weekend we’re heading up to Suffolk to the Latitude Festival and then later next week it’s off to Madeira for a family trip where we’ll be celebrating important birthdays for my parents amongst other things.

When I get back from holidays I literally switch airports and fly straight off to St Louis for the IamLUG conference. (If you’ve not registered for it and the Tack It On day which follows then what have you been doing?)

So all in all it’s going to be a fun few weeks. But if I don’t respond to your email you’ll know why.

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  1. In a very weird and twisted coincidence, I am on a 4-day holiday after we delivered Matt’s XPages training, actually fished today with my dad, and had dinner at a place called Latitude’s last night. As Neo would say, "whoa".

    And, ditto that on TackItOn. This is an amazing course – whether in XPages, iPhone or Admin!



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