Champagne and Curry

It’s not a very promising combination but for almost 7 years now it has been the traditional fare for gatherings of the past and present team members of an old client’s development team. Last night Steve and Hekmat organised a variation on the theme with a room booked in a pub in Docklands, 25 bottles of champgne and some curly straws.

The lessons learned from the evening are that drinking champagne through a straw in the bottle is harder than you might imagine. And from Dom the view was that while normally Veuve Clicquot may be a better tipple than Moet, if / when you next have to use a straw then Moet is the way to go.

Seriously, it was really good to see so many people there last night. This whole tradition started with three of us in glamorous Brick Lane but I think there were around 20 people in attendance yesterday and everyone was on very good form. Now to push on through the day with a sore head.
