ILUG 2008 Conference Evaluation

Hopefully, if you attended ILUG this year you will have received an email about the Conference Evaluation. We’ve already had a great response with people taking the time to fill it in, but if you haven’t please make sure that you do as the speakers and sponsors really appreciate any feedback that you have to give. Part of the remit for ILUG is that speakers can try new things without too much risk as everyone is just there to learn and network, so if you think a session worked really well, or indeed could do with some improvement, let us know.

I should also give a shout out to the metaSurvey project on OpenNTF which we used to build the conference evaluation. Yet again OpenNTF has saved me time and effort (too late for the hair unfortunately). Originally I thought that I’d need to write a whole new application, but with this cool app which metaLogic have open sourced, I could just fill in the questions and publish it. Very, very easy.
