MBP Gone Again

It became obvious during the day that the fan problem on my repaired Macbook Pro is more serious than I had hoped. In the office I use a laptop stand which happens to have a fan built into the bottom which is powered by a USB socket, with this running and the fans continued to churn at full pelt the case of the laptop was actually cold to the touch even when I was running really heavy duty software. So I headed back out to the Apple Store (again) this evening and they’ve taken it back to try and fix it (again). Which all means that I’m back to the borrowed Vaio 😦

In the past I have recommended without hesitation, and to be fair the guys in the store are very helpful. But this is a real pita which may well make me think twice in the future about my hardware platform of choice. Windows is still a steaming pile of crap, but at least the hardware is cheap and generic, if a laptop breaks it’s a lot easier to fix.

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  1. That’s a real shame. It’s hard to pin down what the issue at play is here: the specific MBP you have, or a more general issue with that revision of the range.I definitely think Apple had some industrial design issues with the Macbook Pro, and whether they’re resolved only they know for sure (for example, the slightly later revision Macbook that I have run s pretty cool, and it’s always on).Here’s hoping the problem is licked this time round!


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