
a quiet weekend, good weather again but i haven’t really taken advantage.
yesterday was largely spent doing tax. the downside of running your own company
is the amount of paperwork you have to look after, especially at the end of the
tax year. luckily i have to do less than most as dad prepares the accounts, vat, and paye.

i am also trying to keep my skills up to date. having thought that i would move
towards j2ee fairly quickly, things are
not working out like that (at least in the short term) and there is a need for
me to get up to speed on .net. so i
have bought the courseware to prepare for the mcsd exams.
it all seems a little more serious than the clp exams but as it is vb, which i know and
c# which is so like java it
isn’t funny, the whole process shouldn’t be too bad.

i just read that back… are there enough acronyms for you?
