
Apologies for the downtime over the last day or so (depending upon your DNS server mileage may vary) I’ve managed to completely forget about renewing my dynamic DNS provider for this site. Hopefully all should be up and running again now (well, I guess it is if you are reading this!).

New RSS Setup

If you don’t use an RSS reader then you can just ignore this post. Taking a cue from Greyhawk I have re-organised my RSS feeds to use new FeedBurner urls instead: http://feeds.feedburner.com/11tmr/stories http://feeds.feedburner.com/11tmr/comments Going forward, the reason for this change is that I am having to think about getting the site hosted elsewhere due to …

New Design for 50 Word Review

I’ve been playing around for the last few days with a new “AJAX” design for 50WordReview.com a site which myself and a few other people contribute to. The aim was to make an entire Domino application work purely with AJAX methodologies so everything from creating a new review through to searching and commenting are all …