
after all of the manic work of the last six weeks our last release has been pretty successful. we are all being taken out tonight to celebrate so it will be lots of free champagne and then probably the traditional curry. good combination no?


who do you think said “All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”? george w. bush or herman georing? you might be surprised


i haven’t put anything geeky up for quite a while, this doesn’t mean that i’ve been neglecting my nerding. currently i am doing quite a lot of design work for a fairly complicated security model. when doing this in the past i have just drawn my own class diagrams thinking that software to do it for me was …


judith and matt are back from their honeymoon. i got a call from them last night and it sounds like they had a good time. bit of a shock on the weather front for them though as autumn has struck with a vengeance while they have been sunning themselves. i also heard from the rest …


today is the first day of registration for lotusphere 2003, a conference run by lotus in orlando every january. i have been a few times before, although not for the last couple of years. in the past it has attracted over 10,000 people and registration has closed in 3 hours but thanks to the recession …