
this morning has been another release of one of the projects i am the technical
lead for. i have been in the office for a couple of hours now and all seems to
be going ok. we will see by the end of the day if everone else has remained
calm or if there is a panic.

the system which has just been upgraded is fairly mature now and this will
probably be the last-but-one version before it is migrated to a .net
implementation. to be honest, given the scale and complexity of it, we have
done well to keep it going in domino at all over the last 18 months but the
future requirements take it out of domino’s league. this is a pity in one way,
but if we had tried to shoe-horn the features that are being requested into
domino we would be doing no favours for the other domino apps in the bank as it
wouldn’t reflect well.

the other plus is that there is the prospect of working on a brand new
application rather than updating an old one. but that is purely selfish!

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