Useful Macbook / Boot Camp Tip

I haven’t spent this long working exclusively on a notebook for a long time, I had forgotten the impact it has on your back and neck when the screen is in the wrong position. In addition I have also been finding that the power management in Windows doesn’t play well with the MacBook so the case was getting extremely hot by the middle of the afternoon.

I was chatting with one of the guys in the office and he mentioned that you can get notebook stands which also have fans built into them, there was an old one lieing around unused and unloved in the office so I have nabbed it and been using it today, it makes a huge difference on both counts. So a big thumbs up goes out to the Notepal by Cooler Master. The heat problem is probably exacerbated by the MacBook but I think the stand will make a difference to anyone who uses a meaty notebook for extended periods, it’s got to the end of the day and most of the casing is actually cold rather than bordering on dangerously hot and my back doesn’t feel like I’ve been jumped up and down on all day!

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