Hot Hot Hot

We’ve just had the first really good weekend of the summer, unbroken sunshine and some properly warm temperatures. Of course we are not really set up to handle hot weather (or cold weather) and so everything breaks with the first hot day of the year. The office hasn’t got any air-con this morning, currently it is about 28 degrees in here (about 82 in old money), but luckily we can open the front door and get a few fans blowing to get some air movement.

It’s also traditional at this time of year for the trains to go belly up for a while, hopefully the "new" rolling stock won’t be quite as bad as before but it wouldn’t surprise me.

This is not to say I’m complaining, the weekend was about as perfect as you could wish for… hot weather, barbeques everywhere and as much sport on the TV as you can shake a stick at. Hugely relaxing just sitting in the garden with the portable TV in the shade, a few beers and England even winning in the football (we won’t mention the rugby).

Long may it last.

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