Lotusphere2007 – Day 4 – Closing Session

So that’s it, another Lotusphere over, still one major gathering to go with a bloggers dinner tonight at Shula’s but the conference proper is over. And what a week it’s been, no summary here yet, I need time to decompress and digest but a quick note about today’s happenings.

The Gurupalooza session was a little slow, maybe next year Rocky needs to plant some questions in the audience to get things going. I guess everyone just had a heavy night last night and weren’t up to the usual level of banter. Lunch seemed to fix everyone as the Meet the Developers was as good as always.

The highlight of the day for me was that Ed chose to use one of my blog entries on the loop of blogger comments on the big screen at the start of the closing session, very cool for me. What was very funny is that I was chatting to the person sat next to me and she was saying how one of the quotes on the screen was exactly what she thought, when it came around again she pointed it out, of course it was the huge screenshot of this blog with the quote next to it!

There was no comedian this year but the guy they got was excellent. Neil de Grasse Tyson is an astrophysicist who did an excellent “top ten” list of the coolest things in cosmology. Very well targeted at the geek community, he was so passionate about the subject you couldn’t help liking him.

After the session the blogger croud managed to get up on stage for a group photo, I’m not sure who’s camera was used but it will surface on Flickr pretty quickly no doubt.

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