Ta Da!

I’m constantly looking for the ideal Task List manager. I don’t know about you but if I don’t write things down they simply never get done, it’s silly really that I can remember all sorts of obscure trivia but can’t keep track of the things I have to do for work. Anyway I must have tried seven or eight different products and although they are all good they don’t do exactly what I want, so I don’t use them all the time, so I still wind up forgetting something. Anyway I am currently trialling a very simple web app from 37 Signals called Ta Da list. Simple is good, but as usual there are a couple of things I’d like to happen differently. I’ll probably end up writing my own app at this rate but I’m interested, what, if anything do you use?

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  1. I don’t use a task manager anymore.I should, but I don’t. It’s on my to-do list of things to investigate.Well, it would be, if I had a to-do list.I used to use – and still could, but want to wean myself off it – Agendus for Palm and Windows.{ http://www.iambic.com/agenduspro/palmos/details.asp“ rel=”nofollow” target =”blank”>Link }It’s fantastic, but I’m on the previous version (11) and won’t move up because I’m not going to be using either the Palm or Windows anymore.The main features I love are:* Decent categorisation & filtering* Repeat & Redo your to-dos* Franklin-Covey Matrix assignment for additional priority sorting* Simple but stupid – I can assign icons of my choosing to tasks, so that I can see at a glance what they are for* Being able to assign a contact to a taskI know I should use a task list manager, but seem to struggle along without one well enough at the moment, so replacing Agendus is a low priority – especially as it’d be a tough call!If there was an Agendus-like web application that also synced with other systems via iCalendar or SyncML, I’d be very happy.As it stands, I may have to put that at the bottom of the list of things I need to write for myself…<img alt="Emoticon" src="http://www.11tmr.com/11tmr.nsf/emoticons/DLYH-5N3GL7/$File/undecided.gif“ />


  2. Without trying to sound like I am pulling company line too hard, I would suggest you have a look at Activities. It has allowed me to be more on top of my todos and given me and team members focus when working on shared objectives. I really like it.


  3. I’d love to Mac but being an independent consultant I have multiple clients, many of whom don’t allow me to access my own server while on their site. I do agree it would be a good solution if I were based in one place all the time.Matt


  4. Now that would be superb! In fact there’s probably a market for a server that is available over a “safe” port (80 or 443) for independent consultants.Matt


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