Detroit, Michigan

There was a first for me on the drive from Chicago to Detroit this morning. The GPS got lost, I think given the challenges though it’s fair enough. My hotel in Chicago was Club Quarters on East Wacker, for those of you who don’t know the area, Wacker is a big loop of a road which, to make things more complicated seems to have 2 or even 3 levels, so there’s a Lower East Wacker and an Upper East Wacker. Of course the Lower road is under cover so the GPS couldn’t see the sky to get a fix, every so often it would leap into life and tell me to turn left when all there was was a big concrete wall. In the end I just took a punt and ended up on Lake Shore Drive which I guessed was probably a good starting point, no tall buildings anyway. After that there were no problems. Still I’m glad I won’t actually have to drive into Manhattan and find my way around there with all of the tall buildings to confuse the old GPS.

Yesterday the weather in Chicago was great, not hot but very sunny (in fact I got burnt for the first time this year while down at Navy Pier). The better weather made going up Sears Tower a great experience, the view was incredible. (That photo was very quickly stitched together from 3 images using Double Take, not bad for about 2 minutes playing, I’m sure it could be made a lot better with time but I’m busy, busy).

The rest of the drive today was very easy, I’m only in Detroit overnight and unfortunately have a little work to do so not sure if I’ll actually get to see anything, but we’ll see how things go. Now to try and re-engage the old brain…. kerchunk. No it’s going to take a little time.

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