Busy Day

Wow, a very busy day of house valuations and moving stuff around. An early start to get a rental van and load it up with some spare furniture I had. A couple of stubbed fingers and a broken table later all was done. Just in time for the first estate agent to come along. There were three in quick succession all saying remarkably similar things, they were within £5,000 of each other on the price, the only difference being their rates and marketing strategies. I have decided to go with Penningtons initially as they seemed to have the most integrated approach to marketing the house and also did not want to tie me into a very long exclusivity contract. We shall see how they do over the next couple of weeks or so.

Quite an interesting day all round really, but now my arms are sore so a quiet night in with a few DVDs, beers and a pizza beckons.

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  1. Hi Matthew, I understand what you mean about the regularity of posting. I started to do a maternity diary (in very old fashioned hand written form) when I started maternity leave four weeks ago but and beginning to find that I’ve put down a lot of what I wanted to say. Obviously things will start moving again in the next few weeks but at the moment I’m just plodding along and I’m not sure it’s that interesting for me – or anyone who wanted to read it in the future – to do detailed entries every day. We shall see how dedicated I can be. Best of luck with the moving by the way. I’m sure you will handle it in your normal calm and organised manner!


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