Site Scoring Could do better!

Ben links to a great tool for website design. Silktide have written a tool which reviews your site for design, popularity performance etc and give you a score. All I can say is that I obviosuly need to do some work.

An interesting element is about the content accessibility: This website is probably unlawful in Britain from the 1st October 2004. The British Disability Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against a disabled person by refusing to provide any service provided to members of the public – including websites.

When did this happen? How are people meant to know their obligations if they are not publicised? There is more information here.

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  1. You had better talk to your brother, he gives advice on how to make websites DDA compliant – whoops!


  2. There are some very useful guidelines approved by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and supported by thr Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) which suggest very basic and helpful ideas to make websiteis accesible for everyone. The rules under Part 3 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (which came into force on 1 October 2004) only provide that owners of websites make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to those sites to ensure that they are accesible to those who are are disabled. There are, of course, limitations and exceptions to this, but the premise is that website owners are missing out (as are the relevant users)where those who are are disabled cannot access them. I have an interesting case law report written by my fair self (published in the almost unread ‘E-commerce Law Reports’ here in the UK) of the first prosecution brought under similar laws in Australia.


  3. Now when you say “I have an interesting case law report”… do you really mean it. I would be very disappointed to read it and not be interested after all ;o)


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