
as it is so quiet today i thought i would have a go at the r6 clp upgrade exam.
this is a certification scheme run by lotus that is meant to prove competence.
first of all i passed. but only just. i had forgotten how much the questions
revolve around your knowledge of the menu systems rather than actually knowing
how to use the product efficiently. as i have barely used the latest version of
notes i was really just guessing at the answers. so this sums up the value of
the qualification. i do need to have it though as when i go for interviews it
would be very hard to explain why i didn’t. certainly i would never interview a
developer without the magic letters.

so that’s that sorted for the next year or two. (for the record, the pass mark
is 70% and i got 75%)

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  1. Glad you got the magic letters in the magic kingdom! We’ve got snow here and, as usual, the place falls into chaos. You still have not said how the weather is and did you get to see the house?


  2. Sorry, ignore me! I missed the bit about the weather. Judith and Matt called today and caught up on your jottings. Hope the transfers went well and that LA is good. We have a GOF dinner tonight – see, I do initials as well!!


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