
Only ten days of Movember left

'Tache Progress

Well the ‘tache growing is progressing as poorly as can be expected for someone so follically challenged as myself. But, remember this is all in a good cause. If you’ve not yet sponsored my continuing social embarrassment then there’s only ten days left to head over to the Movember website and sponsor me, all in aid of Prostate Cancer Research.

The photos show the progress (or lack thereof) for those who wanted proof and haven’t seen me in person 🙂

It’s Movember, get those wallets out

Those of you who know me in person (as opposed to some disembodied Twitterer or blog poster) will know that growing hair isn’t one of my strong areas.

Why then, would I sign up for Movember? Well, apart from it being an excellent cause to which we should all give generously and be more aware, it’s also an experiment to see whether it’s just the top of my head that’s follically challenged or if my top lip will also betray me.

So what do you need to do? Well two things. Number one, and most importantly, is to visit this page and pledge a little bit of cash to the Prostate Cancer Charity. Second, just sit back and see just how grand a “Mo” I can grow in 30 days. Very exciting isn’t it?