UKLUG Conference Evaluation

At the end of UKLUG this year, Warren mentioned that we’d send out the conference evaluation. Well it’s just gone live today. So if you came to UKLUG, or if you registered but didn’t attend, we want your feedback. It’s really important that we get the views of as many people as possible so that we can make next year’s UKLUG bigger and better than ever. So have your say.

UKLUG is a month away

Warren has just blogged that the agenda for UKLUG has been published. There’s only a month to go until the event now and it’s all beginning to come together nicely. There are still a few speaking slots to be announced but hopefully, if you haven’t already signed up, then the quality of the speakers on offer will be enough to persuade you.

If not then have a look at the list of sponsors, there are now 22 of them which is pretty amazing for a user group event, so if you work with any Lotus technologies then you’ll almost certainly meet someone interesting in the sponsors area, a session or of course the bar. And it’s all free!

Registration spaces are beginning to run out now so have a word with your boss and get yourself booked in.

UKLUG calls for abstracts, sponsors and registrations

Now that ILUG 2008 is over, it’s time to shift focus onto UKLUG until September.

You may know that we announced registration during the closing session of ILUG this year, well the sign ups are coming in thick and fast but we wanted to make sure that everyone knew it was on, so have a read of Warren’s blog entry and then make sure you are booked in for what will be a great two days.

Then if you’re interested in sponsoring or speaking, drop an email to

UKLUG Registration Open

In amongst the ILUG mayhem last week, Paul announced that registration for UKLUG in September is now open. This year the conference is going to have space for 250 people and run over two days in central London. It promises to be a really interesting couple of days, and there will be great networking opportunities to meet the UK Lotus community. So get over to the site and register quickly while there is still space.

Looking for a UKLUG venue

Yes, I did just mention ILUG last week, and there will be more to come in the next few days. But in the meantime, Warren has a call for help out for the UKLUG in September this year. He is looking for a venue in London that can deal with 250 people for two days with breakout rooms etc. If you know of a venue, or indeed run a venue, then please contact Warren over at his site.