

after all of the manic work of the last six weeks our last release has been
pretty successful. we are all being taken out tonight to celebrate so it will
be lots of free champagne and then probably the traditional curry. good
combination no?


who do you think said “All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country.”?

george w. bush or herman georing? you might be surprised


a few months ago i spent a bit of time playing with the ibm robocode rumble. i
found out today that i came 47th in the world. given that i am rubbish at maths i
don’t think that is too bad.


i haven’t put anything geeky up for quite a while, this doesn’t mean that i’ve
been neglecting my nerding. currently i am doing quite a lot of design work for
a fairly complicated security model. when doing this in the past i have just
drawn my own class diagrams thinking that software to do it for me was a waste
of time.

i recently discovered this uml design tool which i think is pretty good. it
doesn’t try and take over the world for you, it’s just a neat tool for drawing
object models. making life a lot easier for me at the moment.


judith and matt are back from their honeymoon. i got a call from them last
night and it sounds like they had a good time. bit of a shock on the weather
front for them though as autumn has struck with a vengeance while they have
been sunning themselves.

i also heard from the rest of the clan over in ireland. from what i heard there
has been much sampling of the guiness and irish hospitality.

and all this while i am still at work… the real world.


today is the first day of registration for lotusphere 2003, a
conference run by lotus in orlando every january.

i have been a few times before, although not for the last couple of years. in
the past it has attracted over 10,000 people and registration has closed in 3
hours but thanks to the recession and 9/11 (as it is known in the states) last
year was apparently a lot smaller.

a couple of us have thrown our hats into the ring to do a presentation so i am
not planning to register until we have heard the outcome of that.


the cards night was excellent fun as ever. i came out just up but that isn’t
really the point. we played until about 03:30 this morning and then mark stayed
as he lives in london. he has just left but neither of us got much sleep
because at 07:00 some men started drilling on the road just outside my house.
they are still going now and it isn’t doing wonders for my rather sore head.

a day of relaxation methinks!


we are having one of our cards nights tonight. it has been quite a while since
the last one for various reasons. they are always good fun though so roll on
poker, brag pontoon and all.


this article talks about the record industry in the
states having to pay over usd60 million because they have been fixing the price
of cds for the last 5 years.

and yet it is obviously p2p applications which are the cause of falling record
sales, not the way that the record buying public get treated by sony et al


back in the real world and one of the funniest programmes around started a new
series last night the office is so acutely observed it is just

everyone here is really in recovery mode from the last few weeks of stress, we
are just doing odd jobs which have been missed and generally taking it easy
before getting back into the next release