
Million Dollar Homepage

I guess that I am a bit slow on the uptake of this one, but the Million Dollar Homepage is taking the UK (and the rest of the world) by storm at the moment. Like all good ideas it’s very simple, a student needed some money so he is selling 1 million pixels on a web page for a dollar each. You buy them in 100 dollar blocks and put in a little picture with a link to your website.

I am not convinced that it will work, but as an experiment I have invested the $100 cheque that I just got from Google Adsense in a block which should appear on the homepage over the weekend. It will be interesting to monitor the website stats to see how they perform. If they even get close to the case study then I’ll be impressed.

Update: The link is up, so far we are getting about 3 referrals an hour, the gif is on the bottom left of the homepage (see the picture for reference).

Upgraded to Blogsphere 2.0

Well now that Blogsphere has gone "Gold" I have upgraded from the Beta 2 version which has been running here since February. All seems to be OK so far but if you spot any problems please let me know. Well done to Declan, Joe, Chris, Tom, Rocky and all who have worked so hard to make this such a stable and feature rich blog template. Thanks guys.


It’s not often that I mention books, films or music on here, that’s what my sister site is for but I feel that Serenity is worth a mention. I am not an obsessive sci-fi fan but this is of superior quality so it’s definitely worth going to see. It seems that a few of the people in the Domino community agree as well and you know what good taste we all have!

Yahoo! have written an interesting whitepaper (via Scoble) about RSS usage in the internet community at large. I am quite surprised at the lack of take-up as it has revolutionised the way I get and read information. Most surprising of all is that on average people only have 6.6 RSS feeds which they read. At last count I have 172 feeds and I don’t suppose that is even a large number out there for those who spend more time following blogs and websites than me. So who is it that’s dragging the average down? Surely if you are only reading that few sites it would be easier to just go and visit them directly.

Well worth a read though.

Volker has just posted about ego surfing (that is searching for your own name in Google). I hadn’t checked for a long time, but quite surprisingly given how common my name is, in a search for Matthew White I am number 4 and number 5 for Matt White. Not bad considering how small this blog is compared to some out there.

Finally we are going to get the Daily Show over here in the UK. Channel 4 are launching a new channel – “More4” next Monday which sounds like it will be pretty good – repeats of the best American TV plus the Daily Show every evening.

Good stuff. (via DigitalSpy)

If you don’t know (or care) about British politics then ignore this, but Boris Johnson has posted a great article about why having Gordon Brown as PM would be a good thing. As he says… “Bring it on”.

Life is very busy at the moment, we are working towards the end of a development period with a view to releasing into test at the start of next week. There’s still a lot to do.

In the meantime here are a couple of interesting links…

Matt Round over at Malevolent Web Design often posts interesting articles. His most recent, Software Development Myths is particularly good and worth a read.

Continuing the development theme, the Ajaxian blog (which is also very good) provided a link to Javascript Eclipse plugin. With type-ahead, some rough validation and the cracking Eclipse UI it makes Javascript coding a lot easier. Best of all it appears to be free.

It was the leaving do of someone I work with (lots of people are leaving at the moment) last night. I hadn’t planned to stay for more than a couple of drinks but one thing led to another and I ended up missing the last train home so it became a matter of finding a bed for the night. This is where American Express really help out, you can just phone them, give them a place and a budget and they’ll sort a room out for you with no notice. I finised up in a Holiday Inn on Old Street which wasn’t very nice but, frankly, in my state I just wanted a bed and  to try and recover.

Now I just have to try and make it through the day before getting home for some clean clothes. Lovely eh?