IdeaJam product ready

Well things have been quiet on the IdeaJam development front for the last couple of months. The reason is that we’ve been working to get the saleable version of IdeaJam ready to go. We have just about reached that point now. Over the next week or two we’ll be upgrading the current site to use the new design which adds a whole load of new features. If you’re interested, or know someone who’s interested, in running IdeaJam within their company then please do contact myself or Bruce. We have set up a page for you to register interest and we’ll get back to you with details of the application that will make Idea management in your organisation a lot easier.

Once we’ve updated the live site we’ll be discussing on the IdeaJam blog some of the new features that maybe aren’t so visible for the user, but make managing the application a doddle (in the last couple of weeks we’ve got the setup time for a new IdeaJam down to 30 minutes, start to finish!).
