Lotusphere sessions on MP3

Well it’s getting to that time of year where Lotusphere becomes the primary thought. So I was checking out the Lotusphere site just now and noticed this little tidbit of information…

“New for 2008! We’ve listened to your feedback about how you’d like to have access to sessions, to either listen to the replay of sessions you attended, or listen to sessions you didn’t make it to while at Lotusphere. This year we’ll be delivering both MP3 files as well as the PDFs of most sessions from the Futures and Innovations (INV), Application Development (AD) and Managing Your Collaboration Infrastructure (ID) tracks.”

Now to my mind that is great news, it means that if you miss a session (and given the content this year it’s very likely due to conflicts) you’ll at least be able to get a better record of it than trying to interpret plain old PDF files on their own.
