Visit to Nottingham

I’ve spent the weekend up in Nottingham with Simon, Fiona and Elspeth. As usual we didn’t do a huge amount but caught up with each other and I got to spend a bit of “quality time” with my unfeasibly happy 10 month old neice. Unless she’s hungry or tired she’s just grinning or burbling away to whoever’s in the room, great fun to be around.

Of course we did find time to watch the FA Cup final which was a superb game of football, with six goals and a penalty shoot out. To try and assuage the guilt we did manage to put up a gate across the living room door so that Elspeth can’t escape now that she’s mobile, but to be honest it involved putting in about 12 screws and took 4 hours so we weren’t especially productive.

Overall an entirely chilled out weekend doing very little, a great way to spend a couple of days.
