And the geek of the day award goes to…

When I got to work this morning and had a quick scan of my Bloglines feeds, there was an error report from Feedburner saying that this site was down from about 08:45. Odd, thought I, for the new server is a meaty old boy and shouldn’t be crashing at any time, let alone the quietest period of the day.

Well looking at the console HTTP had conflicted, for some reason (which Fasthosts are looking into) IIS had taken over listening on port 80 in place of Domino. An easy fix normally, but from within the firewall of the office we can’t get at the server admin console. Queue true geekiness and my new phone, a Nokia E61. It’s got a pretty passable web browser on it, and a 3G data connection which allowed me to remotely control the server over the phone handset. I know this shouldn’t impress me, but it does, we truly are moving into a period where an always-on data connection is possible.

I got stick from the other guys here for being too much of a geek, but I just love this stuff, how cool is it that my mobile phone can talk to my web server, tell it to stop IIS and start nHTTP instead?

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