LotusScript Class to Convert Numbers to Words in French

A bit of an obscure one this, but we are making an English application multi lingual. One function converts numbers to words, and having tried to use the same logic for the French translations it just doesn’t work so I spent a couple of hours this morning porting a Java class to work in LotusScript to perform the function:

'*Ported from Java Class found at:
Class FrenchDecimalFormat
  tenNames() As String
  uniteNames1() As String
  uniteNames2() As String
  Sub new()
    Redim tenNames(9)
    tenNames(0) = ""
    tenNames(1) = ""
    tenNames(2) = "vingt"
    tenNames(3) = "trente"
    tenNames(4) = "quarante"
    tenNames(5) = "cinquante"
    tenNames(6) = "soixante"
    tenNames(7) = "soixante"
    tenNames(8) = "quatre-vingt"
    tenNames(9) = "quatre-vingt"
    Redim uniteNames1(19)
    uniteNames1(0) = ""
    uniteNames1(1) = "un"
    uniteNames1(2) = "deux"
    uniteNames1(3) = "trois"
    uniteNames1(4) = "quatre"
    uniteNames1(5) = "cinq"
    uniteNames1(6) = "six"
    uniteNames1(7) = "sept"
    uniteNames1(8) = "huit"
    uniteNames1(9) = "neuf"
    uniteNames1(10) = "dix"
    uniteNames1(11) = "onze"
    uniteNames1(12) = "douze"
    uniteNames1(13) = "treize"
    uniteNames1(14) = "quatorze"
    uniteNames1(15) = "quinze"
    uniteNames1(16) = "seize"
    uniteNames1(17) = "dix-sept"
    uniteNames1(18) = "dix-huit"
    uniteNames1(19) = "dix-neuf"
    Redim uniteNames2(10)
    uniteNames2(0) = ""
    uniteNames2(1) = ""
    uniteNames2(2) = "deux"
    uniteNames2(3) = "trois"
    uniteNames2(4) = "quatre"
    uniteNames2(5) = "cinq"
    uniteNames2(6) = "six"
    uniteNames2(7) = "sept"
    uniteNames2(8) = "huit"
    uniteNames2(9) = "neuf"
    uniteNames2(10) = "dix"
  End Sub
  Function convertZeroToHundred(number As Integer) As String
    Dim laten As Integer
    Dim lUnite As Integer
    Dim result As String
    Dim joiner As String
    laten = Fix(number / 10)
    lUnite = number Mod 10
    result = ""
    If laten = 1 Or laten = 7 Or laten = 9 Then
      lUnite = lUnite + 10
    End If
    joiner = ""
    If laten > 1 Then
      joiner = "-"
    End If
    If lUnite = 0 Then
      joiner = ""
    Elseif lUnite = 1 Then
      If laten = 8 Then
        joiner = "-"
        joiner = " et "
      End If
    Elseif lUnite = 11 Then
      If laten = 7 Then
        joiner = " et "
      End If
    End If
    If laten = 0 Then
      result = uniteNames1(lUnite)
    Elseif laten = 8 Then
      If lUnite = 0 Then
        result = tenNames(laten)
        result = tenNames(laten) + joiner + uniteNames1(lUnite)
      End If
      result = tenNames(laten) + joiner + uniteNames1(lUnite)
    End If
    convertZeroToHundred = result
  End Function
  Function convertLessThanOneThousand(number As Integer)
    Dim hundreds As Integer
    Dim remainder As Integer
    Dim strRemainder As String
    Dim result As String
    hundreds = Fix(number / 100)
    remainder = number Mod 100
    strRemainder = convertZeroToHundred(remainder)
    If hundreds = 0 Then
      result = strRemainder
    Elseif hundreds = 1 Then
      If remainder > 0 Then
        result = "cent " + strRemainder
        result = "cent"
      End If
      If remainder > 0 Then
        result = uniteNames2(hundreds) + " cent " + strRemainder
        result = uniteNames2(hundreds) + " cents"
      End If
    End If
    convertLessThanOneThousand = result
  End Function
  Function convert(number As Double)
    Dim snumber As String
    Dim billions As Integer
    Dim millions As Integer
    Dim hundredthousands As Integer
    Dim thousands As Integer
    Dim strBillions As String
    Dim strMillions As String
    Dim strHundredThousands As String
    Dim strThousands As String
    Dim result As String
    If number = 0 Then
      convert = "zéro"
      Exit Function
    End If
    snumber = Cstr(number)
    snumber = Format$(number, "000000000000")
    billions = Cint(Left$(snumber, 3)) ' XXXnnnnnnnnn
    millions  = Cint(Mid$(snumber, 4,3)) ' nnnXXXnnnnnn
    hundredthousands = Cint(Mid$(snumber, 7, 3))  ' nnnnnnXXXnnn
    thousands = Cint(Mid$(snumber, 10, 3))  ' nnnnnnnnnXXX
    If billions = 0 Then
      strBillions = ""
    Elseif billions = 1 Then
      strBillions = convertLessThanOneThousand(billions) + " milliard "
      strBillions = convertLessThanOneThousand(billions) + " milliards "
    End If
    result =  strBillions
    If millions = 0 Then
      strMillions = ""
    Elseif millions = 1 Then
      strMillions = convertLessThanOneThousand(millions) + " million "
      strMillions = convertLessThanOneThousand(millions) + " millions "
    End If
    result = result + strMillions
    If hundredthousands = 0 Then
      strHundredThousands = ""
    Elseif hundredthousands = 1 Then
      strHundredThousands = "mille "
      strHundredThousands = convertLessThanOneThousand(hundredthousands) + " mille "
    End If
    result = result + strHundredThousands
    strThousands = convertLessThanOneThousand(thousands)
    result =  result + strThousands
    convert = result
  End Function
End Class���

Tags: Show-N-Tell Thursday
