Inspirational Books

I read quite a lot of books (not nearly as many as DuffBert, I really don’t know how he gets
through so many). Every so often I come across a book which just makes me feel
good to read and recently there have been two, both of which, coincidentally
are based around making significant changes in life or business. I am not
particularly looking to change anything (why would I?) but if I were you could
do a lot worse than start with these…

What Should I Do With My Life? by Po Bronson is quite
simply the most uplifting book I have read in a long time. It describes how
several people have completely changed their lives often, but not always, with
great success. Bronson discusses just how hard it is to make a leap but makes
the results so appealing that I would guess a lot of people have been inspired
to make that move.

E-myth Revisited is a book more focused
on small businesses and what it takes to succeed. It has a slight tendency to
fall into over touchy-feelyness (if that is a word) but some of the ideas are
genuinely interesting and Gerber does have a style of writing which is quick
and easy to follow.

No doubt now people will think that I am looking to down-shift or change my
life somehow and although I am always looking there is nothing spectacular on
the horizon… honest.

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